Sonata Tropical Mini Peppers

Introducing Sonata™ Tropical Mini Peppers, a tropical adventure bursting with flavour! Enjoyed on their own or cooked allowing further flavour refinement while filling your kitchen with sweet aromas. The experience continues with a pleasant aftertaste that carries you along your tropical adventure.

Available Sizes
(Hover to see larger product)

1 lb


Deep orange in colour, few seeds.

Flavour & Texture

Initial sweet crunch with notes of fresh herb and fruit to finish.


  • Excellent source of Vitamin C, protecting against free radicals.
  • A good source of Vitamin A (beta carotene), which help build strong bones and teeth.
  • Fat, cholesterol and sodium free.
  • Low in calories.


For maximum flavour, store bag in the vegetable crisper of refrigerator. This will enhance their shelf-life and taste.

Windset Recipes

Breakfast Burrito

A quick and easy start to your day. Try adding slices of ham or crispy bacon to this Concerto® Grape Tomato and Maestro® Sweet Bell Pepper wrap.
View Recipe