Windset Donates Over 60,000 lbs of Fresh Vegetables!

Windset Farms® is proud to announce that they have donated over 60,000 lb of fresh greenhouse-grown cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers to Food Banks BC in the summer of 2016!

This commitment provided weekly donations to various food banks in the province to help those who do not have easy access to fresh, local, healthy produce. In the province of British Columbia, 97,400 people are assisted every month; 30,000 of which are children. Food Banks BC also provides an additional 200,000 meals through shelters, soup kitchens and school lunches. With this enormous task, it’s no wonder that the food banks must rely on community members for donations and assistance.

Non-perishable food items are the staples of our food banks, however it is wonderful when our food banks also have the opportunity to give out fresh, local produce.

“When I visited a food bank that had received a large donation of tomatoes and cucumbers from Windset Farms, you could see how excited the clients were that received these items in their hamper that day,” says Laura Lansink, Executive Director at Food Banks BC.

Windset hopes that their commitment can encourage other food producers and community members to all work together for a hunger-free future. The households receiving assistance rely on the generous work of the food banks and their volunteers, and even one donation will help put nutritious, healthy fruits and vegetables on more plates.

To learn more about Food Banks BC, visit


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Windset Farms