Pepper Eggplant Kushiyaki with Wasabi Mayo Dressing

Difficulty: Simple
Time: 30 minutes
Serves: 2

Wasabi Mayo

  • 1 tsp mayonnaise
  • ½ tsp wasabi
  • ½ tsp rice vinegar
  • salt and pepper to taste

Rolls and Picks

  • Adagio® Baby Eggplant, sliced lengthwise (width 2-3 mm)
  • Zucchini, sliced lengthwise (width 2-3 mm)
  • Maestro® Sweet Bell Pepper, peeled and cut lengthwise 4 cm wide
  • olive oil
  • salt & ground black pepper


  • chicken breast, grilled
  • tiger prawns, boiled 2 min.
  • hard cheese
  • Crab meat (preferably from legs) or any other fillings of your choice!
  • ½ Fresco® Seedless Cucumber, sliced lengthwise (for Garnish)

Tojo’s Maestro® Sweet Bell Pepper and Adagio® Baby Eggplant Kushiyaki.


  1. Whisk together Wasabi Mayo ingredients. Set aside.
  2. Lightly season zucchini and eggplant with salt & pepper. Brush with olive oil. Grill lightly both sides. Set aside.
  3. Cut filling ingredients into 4 cm pieces.
  4. Spread a small amount of mayo on one side of zucchini, eggplant and pepper, add filling ingredient(s) of your choice. Roll and hold in place with skewer.
  5. Place cucumber slices on plate and arrange rolls on top.
  6. Serve rolls with leftover Wasabi Mayo for dipping.